
Vastu Shastra Tips for Healthy Pregnancy

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Vastu Shastra Tips for Healthy Pregnancy

Vastu Shastra Tips for Healthy Pregnancy

Vastu Shastra is a traditional Indian system of architecture that emphasizes the positive energy and balance in the built environment. 

Vastu Shastra Tips for Healthy Pregnancy

According to Vastu Shastra, there are several tips that can be followed to promote a healthy pregnancy

  • The bedroom of the expecting mother should be located in the southwest corner of the house, as this is believed to promote the health and well-being of the mother and child.
  • The bed should be placed in such a way that the expecting mother sleeps with her head towards the south or west direction.
  • The bedroom should be kept clean and clutter-free, and decorated with soothing colours.
  • A small water body or a small fountain in the bedroom or nearby is believed to be auspicious.
  • The pregnant woman should avoid sleeping under beams or in rooms with sloping roofs, as this is thought to cause complications in pregnancy.
  • Keep the environment peaceful and quiet, it should be avoided to have any noise pollution in the bedroom.
  • Introduce plants and herbs inside the house, they are believed to purify the air and balance the energy in the environment.
  • There should be no mirrors in the bedroom, if there are any it should be covered during the time of sleep.

Why Vastu Shastra good for pregnant women?

Here are a few reasons why Vastu Shastra may be considered good for pregnant women:

  1. Balanced energy flow: According to Vastu Shastra, the proper placement and orientation of rooms and objects within a home or building can help balance the flow of energy, or “prana,” throughout the space. This can create a sense of calm and well-being for the expecting mother, which can help her during her pregnancy.
  2. Improved sleep: Vastu Shastra places emphasis on the importance of a peaceful and balanced bedroom for pregnant women. By following Vastu principles for bedroom placement and design, it can help improve the quality of sleep, leading to more restful and renewing sleep, which is important for pregnant women.
  3. Reduced stress: A home or work environment that is in harmony with Vastu principles can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and balance for pregnant women, which can help her deal with the physical and emotional challenges of pregnancy.
  4. Positive atmosphere: Following Vastu principles can help create a positive atmosphere and ambiance in the pregnant woman’s room or home, which can positively impact her mental and emotional state during pregnancy.

It’s important to note that many of these benefits are based on traditional beliefs and not proven by scientific studies, it’s essential to consult with a qualified medical professional for any questions or concerns regarding the health and well-being during pregnancy. 

Additionally, it’s always important to prioritize the safety and well-being of the pregnant woman and her developing baby.

It’s essential to consult a best consultant of Vastu Shastra in Pune for specific advice on how to apply these principles in your own home.

Also, it is always essential to consult with a qualified medical professional for any questions or concerns regarding pregnancy and health. Get the best Consultant for Vastu Shastra online.


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