
Vastu Principles For Kitchen – All You Need To Know.

Published by labhdai Vastu on

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Vastu Principles For Kitchen – All You Need To Know.

vastu shastra consultancy ,vastu shastra expert

One of the most important parts of the home is the kitchen. The kitchen has to be the best part of your home. The size of the kitchen, the color of the paint and the tiles, the design, the arrangement of crockery and the location. We know that the people of the house spend most of their time in the kitchen and the energy that’s been circulating there is really very important. Vastu shastra provides the principles which are important for the placement of things in a place and in a certain direction. We should make sure that when we build a home every part is put according to the Vastu principles. It might be kitchen, dining, bathroom or anything else.


The direction of the kitchen is very important. Before building it and placing things we should keep in mind what thing faces which direction. The aura of the kitchen is also important. The southern eastern direction is the most recommended direction according to Vastu shastra. The house should be facing east in this case.

A home should have a suitable match of the components of ground, heaven, air, fire, and water, per the Vastu. “The Sun is linked with light which represents strength and vitality. According to Vastu, fire outlets should be positioned to face south-east. In order to cook facing east, the stove must be in the southeast quadrant of the home. According to Vastu, the west orientation is a second impartial way to face when preparing. The north-west corner of the kitchen is where the faucet would preferably be located. the northern side of the room with the water containers and water filter.

It is said that it is bad for a kitchen to have a tap that leaks water and water keeps dropping as it denotes that the prosperity of the home is getting washed away with it. With that said it is also observed that the kitchen should have all the jars filled and not empty which denotes that the family will never face wealth problems. The dustbin should be kept facing the northern direction and should be always covered.


For the woman of the home or somebody who is preparing food in the kitchen, poor aeration in the kitchen might have serious health consequences. According to Vastu, the placement of the windows in the galley is vital to maintaining a welcoming environment. To draw the air out, suitable windows or air outputs like ventilation systems or contemporary chimneys are necessary. The quality of food improves with adequate light and air. As per Vastu, the optimal orientation for windows in the kitchen is to the east. The east can also be used to position an exhaust fan

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The kitchen is a puritanical icon. So, based on Vastu Shastra, white is the ideal color for a kitchen. However, do not use too much white. Red should not be used in excess in the kitchen either since it produces unpredictable vitality. Tones should be avoided as they may cause despair. Green, lemon yellow, and orange are other suggested perfect colors for the kitchen because they are healthy and fiery hues. To establish balance, choose a white kitchen ceiling.
Blue, gray, and black should not be used in the kitchen. There are a lot of things that one needs to keep in mind before setting up their kitchen and it’s not possible to remember each and everything and this is where we come into the role. You do not need to stress about it and just contact us. We are the best Vastu shastra consultancy services provider in Pune. We have online consultancy services too which will help you to have knowledge about Vastu sitting at your home. We are experts in this field. We will give you the best quality advice and help you set up your home and kitchen both.


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