
Study table direction as per vastu

Published by labhdai Vastu on

study table direction in home

Study table direction as per vastu

study table

What do you mean by the study table:

The study table is a piece of furniture which is designed especially for the students so that they can do their studies on it.  The purpose of making the study table is clear: it helps the students to maintain their balance and keep their focus on studies.

On the study table we can keep many things because it provides a good space for the students.

Importance of study table:

Studying tables has so many advantages in a student’s life. Not only students use the study table, but working professionals also use the study table while they are working (mostly in their office time). The advantages of study tables are:

  • The study table helps the student to keep a good focus on their studies.
  • The study table helps the students to keep so many materials, like pencil boxes, books, registers, laptops, etc.
  • The study table helps the students with improving their concentration power.
  • The study table helps the students with maintaining their correct posture.
  • The study table helps the students with having enough space.

So here were some of the benefits of a study table in one’s house. But to add a study table anywhere doesn’t help one in gaining all the benefits from that. If we place the study table according to the vastu, then only one person can get all these benefits.

Here vastu plays a very important role. As per the best vastu shastra consultants, the best direction for study tables is in the north and east. According to the best consultants of vastu shastra, if we put the study table in the north or in the east, one can gain the maximum benefits from that.

Most people are very keen on this particular topic, so they seek the best consultants for vastu shastra and ask for the direction of their products and then only place the products in that direction.

Which direction is best for which course?

It is a very important point because one direction can not help the students get good results for all the courses. According to the vastu shastra consultants, if a student of a science subject is studying, then for him/her west direction would result in good. For law students, the south is the best direction for them. It would be best for them if they placed their student table in the south direction. For commerce and for arts students, the east world suits them most. If they study in the east direction by placing their study tables in that direction, it will help the students to gain more. If a student of politics or administration, then the northern direction would suit them most. If they want to gain in that field, then they need to study in a northern direction.

So here we have seen the importance of vastu in placing a sturdy table. The study table is not only a medium of study for students, but it plays an important role in students’ lives. In this, the consultant of vastu shastra plays a very major role in deciding which direction the people will place the study table best in their homes. Due to increasing technology, now people can also use the internet and there they can find the best vastu shastra consultants across the globe.


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