
Consider the Size, Color, and Position of the Main Door for Better Vastu!

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Consider the Size, Color, and Position of the Main Door for Better Vastu!

door sizes for vastu

The Sacred Path to the Front Door, as per Vastu Principles.

According to Vastu guidelines of top Vastu shastra consultants in Pune, a home’s front entrance should always face north, east, or the northeastern part of the building. When you face a room or building in one of these directions, more good energy may enter.

The northeast is considered the most auspicious direction for the main entrance, according to Vastu principles. As a bonus, the door will be bathed in natural light and greeted by a refreshing breeze every morning if you position it in this direction.

According to Vastu guidelines for the best Vastu shastra consultant, the following orientations are optimal for a front door:


Main door vastu


The northeast is the luckiest location for a front entrance, according to popular belief. This is also the direction from which it draws its vitality since it gets bathed in sunlight in the early and late hours of the day. The home and its occupants benefit from an additional dose of vigor and energy from the northeast.

The North

Many Vastu shastra consultants Pune say that the north is the second-best direction to locate your main door or entry since doing so may bring tremendous riches and fortune to the family.

The East

 Although the east is not recommended as a location for the main entrance of a home, it is said to increase one’s own strength and contribute to the festive atmosphere.

 The South-East

 Entry to a home facing southwest should be avoided at all costs. If you must use a different door, the southeast one is the one recommended by the best Vastu shastra consultant in Pune.

The North-West

 If you must use a different door, the northwest one is recommended by Vastu since it receives the evening sun’s warmth and light.

 The Stuff That Got Used to Make the Big Door.

When building a home or apartment, it’s important to follow the advice of the science of Vastu by using a door made of the most auspicious material. Don’t skimp on the wood quality, and keep in mind that this door needs to be taller than the others in your house. 

According to Vastu guidelines, the front door should be made of solid material and should not have any signs of damage or filth on it. Avoid utilizing a metal door or metal door frame and instead focus on choosing the highest quality wood you can find. This door should also be taller than any other door in the home.

Main Entrance Signage and Lighting.

According to Vastu shastra expert in office, a building’s front entrance should be well-lit. Maintaining a bright light at the front door is a must. Candles placed at the entrance might have the same effect. According to Vastu principles, one should never use the red light on the front entryway of their home. Entryways to flats and contemporary homes should be well-lit at night to comply with Vastu principles. Vastu Shastra also places great weight on the house’s nameplate. Having a suitable nameplate displayed just inside the entranceway is a certain way to bring luck, riches, and contentment to the occupants.

 Embellishing The Front Door.

The area just outside the front entrance should be spotless. Keep any trash cans, damaged furniture, and shoe racks away from the front door. Flowers, the swastika, the om, the cross, and other conventional and cosmological symbols may all be put just outside the front door to welcome visitors.

Vastu-compliant front door mats.

 An appropriate location for a doormat in a home or other building is on the floor just inside the door. A doormat’s purpose is twofold: to remove soil from visitors’ shoes and to keep that soil from entering the house. They also soak up any bad vibes emanating from the street and keep them from entering your home.


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