
Advice from the Science of Vastu for Choosing a Plot of Land

Published by labhdai Vastu on

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Advice from the Science of Vastu for Choosing a Plot of Land

The principles of Vastu Shastra may help you bring prosperity and happiness into your home or business. After purchasing a property, most individuals think about Vastu Shastra. Because of this, even when following proper Vastu guidelines, they often still have the usual problems. You should consider Vastu principles before purchasing land, however. If you’re looking to attract good fortune into your life, consider these 15 Vastu guidelines for choosing and purchasing land or a plot.

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Advice on Choosing a Plot According to Vastu

Suitably Formalized Stories

Square Plot

Square lots may be used for everything from businesses to homes. According to Vastu shastra expert for home Pune, a square’s completeness and lack of a missing corner make it an auspicious shape. Pick the square plots that face northeast, east, or north for maximum profit.

Rectangular Plot

Consistent with Square, a rectangular plot will round off your home or business. According to Vastu shastra expert in Pune, a property with a north or south slope is the best location. To get the most out of your plot, go with a rectangular shape that’s no more than two times as long as it is wide.

Advice on Land Cuts from the Vastu Shastra

 North-east Cut

 According to an online Vastu shastra expert in Pune, the most auspicious direction for purchasing property is the northeast. They consider it bad luck for the plot to have a split on this side. The owner may never achieve anything.

 North-West Cut

 A domestic northwest cut indicates illness within the family. It’s possible that the real estate won’t increase in value if it’s being used for business purposes.

South-West Cut

 Those who choose to live in the southwest corner of the country put extra stress on themselves. Relationship problems, work problems, health problems, financial problems, and other stresses may all contribute to emotional distress.

 South-East Cut

 According to Vaastu, a hole in your house’s southeast corner might create difficulties in your life. It’s possible for this mistake to lead to financial hardship, illness, and company failure. Try vastu shastra expert in office if your commercial pilot has a southeast cut.

How to Choose a Plot Based on Vastu

Solutions in accordance with the plot’s current status 

There can’t be a cemetery, crematorium, mausoleum, or anything else associated with death on the property. Never build on property that is direct across from a school, hospital, nursing home, or church. If there are two huge plots or structures on each side of the real estate property, online consultant in office sees this as a barrier to the free flow of energy into the smaller area. These plans are doomed to failure. A business or residential property should not be located near a landfill or sewage treatment facility. Lucky are homes with hills, mountains, higher terrain, taller structures, or trees located to the west or southwest.

Adjustments made in accordance with the plot’s outline

 According to Vastu principles, a business or residential property with roadways on all four sides is a fortunate location. According to Vaastu, property facing north-northeast or north is lucky. Land that faces north or east and has a body of water (lake, canal, river, etc.) is seen as very fortunate and advantageous.

Storyline homogeneity

Choose a level plot if you want to build a home on the land. If the land is sloping, a south-westerly or north-eastern slope is preferable. If the slant is to the west, discord within the family or potential health problems might be indicated. The land in the middle of two bigger parcels is the worst possible location to settle on.


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